Monday, January 15, 2007


Just got back from my doctor's appointment...everything went well! They asked if I've been having any more bleeding or anything... I told them things have been great. (knock on wood!) I really do feel the best that I have since getting pregnant.

The baby's heartbeat was beating strong as ever, though the little one kept moving all around while the lady was trying to count the heartbeat with the doppler! I have a little acrobat in there, for sure! I'm feeling more and more flutters over the past few days, too!!

I've gained 1 more pound since last week... that makes a total of 5 so far. Upon hearing I've gained another pound, the nurse practitioner goes, "Good girl!" hehe... sounds like I'm right on track.

They still don't have my MSAFP result back... it's been a week today. I told them that my husband and I go for genetic counseling the 23rd, and that I'll be having the Level II ultrasound done the same day. They want me to come back in for another appointment in two weeks just so we can talk about how everything went in Pittsburgh, and to make sure things are ok. After that, hopefully I'm back to having appointments just monthly again... I feel like I've been living at my OB doc's office lately!

Well, I'm gonna take a little nap. I worked night turn lastnight, so I've had to force myself to stay awake. Not an easy task for a mommy-to-be! So.... goodnight. :-)

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